The Legend That Is Star Trek

The Legend That Is Star Trek


A scene from one of the most famous original Star Trek episodes, from my memory. Here goes.

“… I just remembered. There is one Earth man who doesn’t remind me of a Regulan bloodworm. That’s Kirk. A Regulan bloodworm is soft, and shapeless. But Kirk isn’t soft. Kirk may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. But he’s not soft.”

All you Trekkies you should know which episode that is without looking it up. Send me your answer! Ok, so the editor put in the actual quote, but I was close.

“Star Trek, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise…”

DIT Web Solutions salutes Star Trek for the voyages they have led. From the flip communicators, that ended up manifesting in flip phones some years ago, to Romulan Ale that I am anxiously awaiting to be released at a location near me. What a series!

William Shatner as Captain Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as “Mr. Spock,” Nichelle Nichols as “Lieutenant Uhura,” James Doohan as “Mr. Scott” aka “Scotty.” How about the one and only Deforest Kelly as “Dr. McCoy” aka “Bones.” There was also George Takei as “Sulu” and Walter Koenig as “Chekov.” All of these characters are well known from the original cast of the “Star Trek.”

The successful actions were repeated with Star Trek: Generations with Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean Luc Picard, Brent Spiner as Data along with the beautiful Marina Sirtis as Counselor Troy. They introduced The Borg and other great stories we have come to know and love.

The TV series, Enterprise,  took us back before Captain Kirk’s era with another amazing cast and this time a female Vulcan as the first officer – T’Pol, loved it!

I have to mention Captain Janeway, played by Kate Mulgrew, as a FANTASTIC CAPTAIN of the USS Voyager. There were many shows that grew out of Star Trek and I’ve watched them all: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Picard, and Discovery is now on – 9 different spin-off TV series in all, a film franchise and further adaptations in several different types of media.

What makes Star Trek so addictive? Many have asked that question. Feel free to send me your answer and we’ll see if we can get some general consensus in an informal survey.

From branding and marketing, again like our previous newsletters, the pattern that we all need to duplicate in our businesses is similar.

  1. Never stop promoting your brand.
  2. Stay in the public eye.
  3. Always attract attention (Vulcan ears, Tribbles, great people).
  4. Don’t veer off from successful actions. Star Trek did sometimes, and it showed with lesser sales at the box office. It has taken me a bit to get hooked on Discovery as they altered a lot of the successful actions, including how Klingons look. But for a thirst for more Star Trek, I have survived.
  5. They continue doing Star Trek Conventions. Many successful memberships keep this model of conventions going. It’s keeps the personal touch in play. Socializing occurs which most people enjoy. Who doesn’t like a work and play model?
  6. Get your business all over Google Searches, this is why we have 25, 50, and now 100 Keyword SEO Packages available: I just Googled “ Star Trek” from my computer. I got 1,970,000,000 results!
  7. Get some Tribbles!

Everything is on the internet. Your business should be found on every search! As the internet is composed of content, the more content your business has, the more your business will be found. That means you need a lot of articles, blogs, and newsletters always being written. That is what we do and we do it well. Let us do that for your business.

Call me and I will help your business Live Long and Prosper! If you know your Klingon, Qapla! (which means “Success”)

Louie Pateropoulos

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