DIT Web Solutions Corporate Sponsorship of The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO)

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In searching for a worthwhile community activity to align our own goals to, we came across many worthy endeavors. It is heartening to see the number of groups and associations that work tirelessly towards improving conditions for others. After reviewing our many options, we choose to align ourselves with a non-profit organization that focuses their efforts on improving the ecology of the planet and has a workable system called Cooperative Ecology that operates at all levels of society.

To contribute to their efforts, we have put forward our own resources and staff to build and run a Social Media campaign for The Earth Organization. Getting the message out about their valuable work seemed of the utmost importance.

LAEO has a number of different membership levels that you can acquire monthly or annually to help in the cause. This is vital to the future of our planet and every living being on it. Earth is our home, so we choose to go big and contribute to this motion to the best of our ability.

Please take a moment to find out more about The Earth Organization at their website: www.theearthorganization.org

Every great achievement in the positive forward progress of mankind has included the help and guidance of individuals like yourself.  If you can see it in your heart to become a member or donate any amount to the cause, we will appreciate it, and everyone will benefit.

laelo - The Earth Organization

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