What were the most downloaded apps in 2022? Read on to see the list of the top 15 most-downloaded apps, planetary-wide!

1) TikTok
2) Instagram
3) Facebook
4) WhatsApp
5) Telegram
6) Zoom
7) Snapchat
8) Facebook Messenger
9) CapCut
10) Spotify
11) YouTube
12) HBO Max
13) Cash App
14) Subway Surfers
15) Roblox
I recently wrote that TikTok has over 1 billion active users so far and growing daily. My partner Rob is an avid TikTok user and I really enjoy watching what he creates. When I drive, I open the Waze app to help me find locations in Canada and the US. I love this app! It tells you where the nearest McDonald is, if there is an obstruction coming up, if there are police in the area, and it even tells me I look handsome. It’s quite the app!

I will admit, I am on YouTube all the time, and have recently been re-visiting and networking on Facebook.

I would say, if you haven’t yet created your own app, you should! Why not? You may hit a home run. If you can dream it, it can be made into reality. Due to confidentiality, I won’t mention the name or idea, but I have a client who has an idea for an app that the world hasn’t seen yet. I’ve been all over him to go for it!
These days, if you have something that does exist and you can do better, you get market share. If you have an idea that isn’t in the market and there is a need, that is rare and worth creating on the double!
Developing an app is a unique process. My business partner Rob and I recently met with a business owner who told us he went with an overseas company with the hope of saving money on his app build. A year and a half and $150,000 later, he said he still didn’t have what he wanted. Additionally, he was tired of project managers being changed and talking over Skype. He wanted someone he could meet with in person, talk to, and a stable team to build his app. Our team at DIT Web Solutions took over and got him what he wanted!

Rob developed an amazing 3-step system for building apps, which would have prevented our client from going through what he did. Here is our video explaining our process:
Step 1: Product Concept gives you exactly that, the concept. With this, you can go to investors if needed and show your concept both digitally and in hard copy.
Step 2: Product Blueprints. This is an expansion of the concept in more detailed form. This is what we give to our developers and takes the guesswork out of the build and also allows us to more accurately quote on the length of the app development.
Step 3: Development of your dream app!
Having qualified and skilled developers is also very important! This is something we have developed and fine tuned over the past 20 years. Put simply, DIT Web Solutions has an amazing development team ready to build your custom app. One of the top recruiters in Florida told me last year that the most sought-after professions for recruiters were developers/programmers, then nurses, and next salespeople. I can believe it, especially knowing what we have built and continue to build here at DIT Web Solutions. In fact, we are fast approaching close to 15 in-house staff with an overall network of over 50 people to work on your new app!