Featured Company: Verve Consulting Inc.

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Vervelife.ca engaged DIT Web Solutions to redesign their website and build a brand new inventory management platform effectively moving them forward technologically and aesthetically. 

Verve Life was established for the purpose of helping heal fractures and improve bone healing utilizing sound waves with their revolutionary medical device.

Doctors refer patients to Vervelife.ca for use of their Osteotron IV, a growth stimulator that is proven to accelerate the healing of fractures.

When DIT first worked with Verve, they were a smaller but active business running out of a home office.  Vervelife.ca has since grown and expanded to a new office on Yonge Street in Aurora, Ontario, with more staff, and more custom requirements for their digital presence.

Through DIT’s Product Concept and Blueprint process, Verve’s product priorities and inventory needs were determined.  A thorough review of digital details at this stage makes all the difference once development begins – there’s no guessing, just specifications building.

The website was designed and built to showcase their professional work and products, giving them a much sleeker look while maintaining colour management, readability and user experience. 

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Verve’s Inventory Management Platform was custom developed to their exact specifications, allowing them to manage the distribution and tracking of their product.

Everything from the referral to the date the unit is taken on loan, to when it is returned are all tracked within their system. This also includes the insurance letters that are automatically created within seconds and available as a document to download.

Visit their site today at vervelife.ca.

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What We Do

At Vervelife, we are committed to “getting you back into life”! Specializing in medical products that help accelerate healing and rehabilitation, our experts works with both healthcare professionals and individual patients to facilitate access to and use of our products. We provide people suffering from fractures and chronic pain with highly effective, non-invasive methods of healing right in the comfort of their own homes. Vervelife’s healing therapies treat hard tissue (bone fractures and fusions) and soft tissue (ligaments and tendons). Our technologies use external non-invasive proven therapies that enhance the body’s natural healing process.

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We Understand Your Priorities


Effective, Innovative Bone and Tissue Treatment Alternatives that Accelerate Healing

Rehabilitation is an important part of recovery. Our medical device product is clinically proven, non-invasive, and designed to enhance and accelerate your body’s natural healing process.

We come from a strong background of over 20 years experience in the orthopedic medical device industry and work with insurance companies to facilitate insurance coverage.

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Website Design

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DIT stands for Drive – Imagination – Technology.

Digital mediums such as the internet provide a massive communication platform not previously available to the world of promotion and advertising. Not since the invention of the printing press in 1450 and the telegraph around 1830, have we had such a revolutionary change in the advertising industry. 

Companies that fully utilize the advantages of the world wide web are making strides at a faster and greater rate than any business of the past.

As leaders in the Digital Advertising Industry, we dedicate our time and energy to developing creative and functional online properties.

Our purpose is to help businesses communicate their vision through digital means.

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Rob Ragusa

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Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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