Featured Client: Better Beer

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BetterBeer.com is a unique company that provides hospitality professionals with a service like no other – a Draught Quality Assurance Program, that provides the path to better beer as well as increased profitability on the sales of draught (also known as draft) beer. 

They came to DIT Web Solutions Inc to custom build two systems for them that would achieve their purpose of helping hospitality professionals to know what the actual issues were with the service of draught beer and then to provide a learning system to train the staff on proper methods and procedures. 

The two key points to be addressed were built into custom applications:

1. Quality Assurance Platform which allows them to go into any establishment and do a digital audit based on criteria available in the audit. The platform allows them to track historically the data, the score, their pass or fail rates and any photos for proof.

2. The Learning System is a platform that allows groups of trainees to learn at their own pace. The platform is fully digital and allows people to go into any course and any module assigned to them in order to get the material needed so they can study. There is an assessment done at the end of each module to ensure understanding is consulted. After a certain number of failures, the application would lock out the trainee and notify their manager. This is a comprehensive full-training platform that anyone can do on any device.

Visit their website at betterbeer.com for more information on their product and services.

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Recognized As Industry Leaders For Draught Beer Quality, Sales, and Beer Training.

What will they learn?

  • How the system works – what are regulators, couplers, faucets, and FOBs.
  • Proper storage and receiving of kegs – which kegs should you store upside down?
  • How to change a keg without getting a beer shower.
  • Proper pour – You’ve told them to put a head on the beer, but we tell them why.
  • Beer clean glasses – when your staff understand what Beer Clean Glasses are, you make more money.
  • Branded glasses – yup, they’re a pain, but they also make your life much easier, and you make more by using them.
  • Using FOBs – not knowing how to use a FOB properly will waste $6 of beer at EVERY keg change.
  • Troubleshooting – the system only breaks down on busy nights it seems. Wouldn’t it be great if you could solve some problems on your own and get back to selling pints?
  • And…how to sell more beer.

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See How Our Beer Audit Helps Improve Draft Beer Profitability & Quality.

 We developed the industry’s only brewery-neutral Draught Quality Audit. Using brewing industry standards as a base, we added in extra criteria to help you sell better quality beer than your competitor.

  • We check over 20 items on each line.
  • Customizable so you can add in extra criteria.
  • Along with the list of issues, we provide detailed solutions on how to fix them.
  • You’ll get the results in real-time via email and see past audits on your dashboard on our secure, password-protected site.
  • We give you a Better Beer Draught Quality Score. The average first score is 57.

We don’t clean lines or sell equipment, so there is no conflict of interest; we’re not going to tell you that you need something when you don’t. 

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Web Application

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DIT stands for Drive – Imagination – Technology.

Digital mediums such as the internet provide a massive communication platform that was not previously available to the world of promotion and advertising. Not since the invention of the printing press in 1450 and the telegraph around 1830, have we had such a revolutionary change in the advertising industry. 

Companies that fully utilize the advantages of the world wide web are making strides at a faster and greater rate than any business of the past.

As leaders in the Digital Advertising industry, we dedicate our time and energy to developing creative and functional online properties.

Our purpose is to help businesses communicate their vision through digital means.

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Rob Ragusa

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Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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