Featured Company: Disability Advocacy Network of Eastern Ontario

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The Disability Advocacy Network of Eastern Ontario (DANEO) reached out to us because they needed a support team who could assist with their online presence. This particular client possessed a technical understanding, as well as knowledge of how websites are built and wanted to work with us in an advanced capacity.

Our team would handle the building and coding, and she would handle the direction of the project. She needed:

  • A new website
  • Accessibility on the website
  • Hosting
  • Security Certificate
  • Copy editing

The result was a brand-new design that ensured the website met digital accessibility and security requirements per the Disability Advocacy Network of Eastern Ontario. They have peace of mind that their website is safe and secure so that their focus can stay on their clients.

View their website at www.daneo-raipheo.ca

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Our Mission

The Disability Advocacy Network of Eastern Ontario (DANEO) is a network of people, including those labelled with an intellectual/developmental impairment, their families, friends, and allies.

Together, we advocate for the rights of citizens labelled with an intellectual/developmental disability to have access to the same opportunities and choices as other Ontarians.

Our advocacy is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), to which Canada is a signatory.

We promote these rights by:

  • Exploring issues impacting individuals with an intellectual impairment, their families, allies, and support networks in the communities.
  • Sharing information and ideas among citizens labelled with an intellectual/developmental impairment, their families, allies, community organizations, service providers, and decision-makers.
  • Raising awareness within the general public on issues that affect people labelled with an intellectual/developmental disability.
  • Building relationships with Disability Advocacy Networks within Eastern Ontario and across the province.
  • Working tirelessly to increase our membership to build a strong community voice in Eastern Ontario.

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Community Services

All individuals should be viewed as citizens of communities first – including individuals with a disability.  

As we move towards the rights outlined in the UN Convention, community services in general will become more open and accessible. Accessibility has been enabled, to some extent, through improved access to information technology, but for many individuals, there are still barriers, and in particular for individuals with an intellectual/developmental impairment.

Accommodations are part of the answer – in many cases, these accommodations fall on the shoulders of individuals and family members to either initiate or put in place.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act has improved accommodation and accessibility in larger organizations and service centres and many innovations have resulted from a growing awareness – but there is still a need for ongoing advocacy.

One of our aims is to start collecting and sharing life stories, we learn so much from others.

We look forward to hearing yours!

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DIT = Drive – Imagination – Technology

At DIT Web Solutions, we are interested in how to get through to people’s minds, how to position a product or service, and break through the noise.  The whole purpose of the internet and all this technology is to get your communication across.

You need to think differently to get different results. We wanted to create a company that delivered web solutions that excited people – that captured their imagination and allowed them to think bigger than they ever thought possible about their products, their business, and even themselves.

To do that we’ve created a team of incredible thinkers and doers – people who live beyond what’s possible, right now.  

Let us know more about your story and your marketing challenges today.

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Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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