Featured Client: Pro Bel

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Marc Lebel

Pro-Bel came to us with an idea they wanted to see turned into reality. They wanted Canadian and US websites to provide an easy and informative user experience that allows existing and prospective customers to see all of their products and services while keeping their brand top of mind. 

Both the Canadian and US sites for Pro-Bel are easy to navigate and provide the user with the ability to find what they are looking for in a few simple clicks. Switching between the Canadian and US sites is a simple as one click. The integration between both sites is seamless and does not leave the user thinking they are being re-routed to a different company.

An aggressive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign was then launched to drastically increase the organic traffic to both sites as well as increasing the number of keywords ranking on the major search engines.

To round this out, the Pro-Bel sites are safe and protected, hosted on secure DIT Web Solutions servers. They have peace of mind knowing their sites are safeguarded.

Visit their Canadian website at pro-bel.ca and their US site at pro-bel.com.

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As of March 2023, the Pro-Bel SEO Campaign has recorded 1056 organic traffic (visits) with a highest peak of 1200 in December 2022.
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Initially, Pro-Bel had approximately 100 total keywords ranking in search engines. As of March 2023, they now have 920 keywords ranking, out of which 33 are in the top 3. 40 keywords are ranking in the top 10 and 72 keywords are ready to jump on page one of search engines.
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Our free design service includes a layout, details and specification. Our designs meet local, state/provincial and national codes and standards. Whether you require a design for window washing equipment, fall protection or building maintenance, we can help you.

In order to complete a typical design, we require the following architectural plans: roof plan, floor plans, elevations, and wall sections. Sending a structural roof plan will help us to design the system to work with your planned structure when possible. We may occasionally require additional drawings when unique conditions are present.

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At Pro-Bel, we realize that our reputation is forever linked to the quality of our products. For this reason, whether standard issue or custom-made, all of our products are designed, engineered and manufactured using only superior materials and the highest level of workmanship. Made to comply with all regional and international regulations, our products are guaranteed to meet and exceed your every suspended maintenance requirement, providing your workers with invaluable safety and peace of mind.

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51d15e6c b265 8c4c 4817 aca365d99562 - Featured Client: Pro Bel
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DIT = Drive – Imagination – Technology

At DIT Web Solutions, we are interested in how to get through to people’s minds, how to position a product or service, and break through the noise.  The whole purpose of the internet and all this technology is to get your communication across.

You need to think differently to get different results. We wanted to create a company that delivered web solutions that excited people – that captured their imagination and allowed them to think bigger than they ever thought possible about their products, their business, and even themselves.

To do that we’ve created a team of incredible thinkers and doers – people who live beyond what’s possible, right now.

Let us know more about your story and your marketing challenges today.


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Louie Pateropoulos

Book your free Strategy Chat with Senior Partner,
Louie Pateropoulos.

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