Web & Mobile

We get the right information to you at the right time.

People demand accessible information from their desktop, their tablet and their smart phones.

Search engines are even filtering out those sites that aren’t mobile-friendly. How much business are you losing because people are inconvenienced by your site or can’t see you at all? DIT is an expert in making sure that you’re seen and that critical decision information is available to those that need it WHEN they need it.

Real Websites, That Produce Real Leads

Contact Us to Get the Ultimate Website

Give us a call today at 416.461.1143 today or you can Email Us.

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Our Web & Mobile Expertise & Service Offerings

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Inventory, Merchandising, Point-of-sale, Payment Gateways, Shipping

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Hosting &
Security Services

Protecting your web presence from unauthorized intruders and email pirates.

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Creating compelling reasons to dig deeper into the story of your business, products and people.

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Web App

Engaging browser-based software products that interact with local and enterprise data sources.

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Mobile App

Engaging software applications for your phone that connect people with valuable features, functions and information.

Let Customers & Employees Access Information The Way They Want To

Our web design company in Toronto, developers team are experts in designing and engineering powerful and secure mobile & web solutions for enterprise and lifestyle management.

Whether you want to access real-time inventory levels from your car , conduct paper-less on-site inspections or tap into the features of a mobile app product that you envisioned, DIT is the design and development partner that can get the job done – on time and on budget:

  • Website Automation & Mailchimp Integration
  • Enterprise Database Interoperability
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Interoperability
  • Browser-based Web Applications
  • IPhone Apps and
  • Android Apps
Schedule a call!
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Your Product Idea is Safe With Us

We have excellent policies and procedures in place that will help you better understand the lengths we go to to for ensuring the security, protection and privacy of your business dealings with DIT. Non-disclosure agreements are expected and we'll gladly provide whatever information you need in order to trust that your ideas, intellectual properties and communications will always remain protected while in our care.

Get Started Right Now!

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